Monday, November 24, 2008

Little Anya at the daycare

Hello folks ! despite our regular meetings, little is known about Little Anya's life at daycare. Well she has very recently been photographed by a professional photographer and these photos are for the records and the parents get to order some copies ofcourse.
We also have a class photo for her department, which is called 'Regndroppen' ie 'the rain drop'. However at this stage we are unable to present that picture here in this forum due to certain non-disclosure agreements that her parents have signed with the daycare. Her Pappa is trying to get an agreement with them so as to photograph Little Anya in that environment himself. Let us see if we get to hear more from her Pappaa's coverage then.


Shibu said...

Aamir Khan may use this hair-style in his next movie...called Cutini!!

Nandita said...

very interesting blog sir! i've had so many stories from kaki on anya's will be quite a pleasure seeing the naughty little version of amit vaidya..

Nandita said...

very interesting blog sir! i've had so many stories from kaki on anya's will be quite a pleasure seeing the naughty little version of amit vaidya..