Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Will you send me an angel...

Hello All, Little Anya and her parents wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year from a -25 cold Västerås.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Anya and the lens

The day began on a special note for her Pappa..Little Anya , dressed in pyjamas, her favourite fleece in one hand and 'Patrick' ( her dog !) in the other, came and placed a kiss on Pappa's cheek while he was still trying hard to dislodge himself from the bed, he got a hug and was wished happy birthday and got a specially made card..this was the first time Little Anya remembered someone's birthday and her Pappa got a special card, which will be a memory for the lifetime.

The day was actually the photograph day at her day care. Her Mamma took out the dress which was so meticulously approved by Little Anya a day in advance..The sun was shining and so was Little Anya

Her trigger happy Mamma decided to let her lens loose on Little Anya even before she went to the real photoshoot...

She took many pictures before she was unceremoniously reminded by Pappa about her work and the day full of meetings ! Little Anya was soon wrapped up in the autumn clothing and accompanied , her Pinga the penguin to the daycare.. Pinga ofcourse got thoroughly wrapped in the fleece to endure the autumn chill..

She was ushered in by Eva at the daycare, and soon rushed into the photoroom after her anxious Pappa ran the comb through her hair for the final time . Little Anya disappeared into the 'solkatten' area and the excitement was palpable.. manifested by the decibel level . The thought that Little Anya would rather add to the level than do otherwise brought a smile to his Pappa's face and he rushed to work admiring the skill and patience of the daycaremisses for managing half a platoon of young ones, who were full of breakfast, energised by the bright morning sun and excited about the photoshoot..Pappa will never be able to narrate the complete story since he did not stay to distract the 'law and order' that had to be maintained at the day care..

The results were astounding, Little Anya's parents have probably captured Gigs of pictures of her over all these years, many quite worth the money , but the one they took at the daycare was indeed special..Little Anya looked like a big girl in this one afterall !

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Anyasaurus Rex

Experts are still not able to decide if this animal is more like the T -rex or forms a part of the velociraptor genre since it can kill in different ways! cany case, is quite dangerous, fully equipped with the psychological warfare chip and armed to the teeth.

...any time is play-time for her and there could be days when she hates to fall asleep, while a nice shower would have a soothing and quietening effect on some, Little Anya interprets a shower as a preparation for getting dirty all over again and that too rather quick !

Usually, it is quite a challenge to hold her attention after shower and comb her hair properly..Being an animal, naturally the wild look appears to be preferable !

However, having said all this , we would also like to share the other extreme too, where once in a while, Little Anya could dress up for her parents..

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bubble the blue sky !

Hello folks ! Little Anya is back with her antics during the summer holidays.. Did we tell you that soap bubbles has become more of a religion for her when it is late in the evenings and it is still light and she would not like to sleep !?

Yes, this dog or the 'bubbooo' as she calls him is one of her soap bubble mates.

Her soap bubble blowing arsenal has grown since last summer and now she has some battery driven devices .as well..

such is the strength of these devices that they can soon fill up the balcony with bubbles and rain bubbles on the street !

Little Anya often likes to carpet bomb the street with her bubbles, while her parents join her in the fun. They usually watch how far their bubbles go, but Little Anya is busy showering bubbles on some of her friends on the street!

Some of her friends like to come up to the balcony and join the fun, nothing to worry, there is enough soap and there is enough equipment for an entire platoon ! While Little Anya and her friends continue their bubble making adventure, rest of them who are on the street try to catch the bubbles and have is quite a show, a dull late evening is all of a sudden transformed into a high energy event for all....ofcourse Little Anya is again light years away from falling asleep...but what is life without a challenge one may ask !?