Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas folks !

Good day folks ! This is the first Christmas and New year for Little Anya, the plan is to travel North to Ludvika and be with our gang. Little Anya is already looking forward to all the attention and playing with a few toddlers, and a few little bigger kids..

It is quite funny to see Little Anya interact with other kids/babies..She often gets jealous of them when they get too close to her Mom and Dad !! Now this is something very new isnt it !??

Well, we will report to you in detail about the Xmas vacations and we wish you all a merry Christmas and a very happy new year ! See you ...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

One with the photoshoot...

Hello folks ! it has been a while since we met..As usual, we have some fresh stories on Little Anya. Well, let us begin with the crazy idea her parents got one day. It began as a general 'container theme' .

However, it suddenly changed into a 'cooking Anya' theme. One does wonder where they got this idea from, though they have often been heard in public talking about Little Anya being a 'tasty dish'.

The 'civilised' world was quite apalled to hear about putting those ideas into action. Ofcourse timely intervention by 'the police and the department of justice' meant that they could not quite go through the plans however the photos they managed were pretty interesting. It is reported that most of the photos belong to the classified file, we present a few that have been declassified !
As one can see, Little Anya was a little surprised to see herself being put into pans and utensils, but actually had quite a fun time herself..

While she was 'being served' on the dinning table in a pan, she did try to reach for the moon..

Just to find out that it was a low energy lamp instead!

It appears that the 'cooking Anya' theme soon gave way to the 'washing Anya' theme. Little Anya almost instantly started smiling and making funny sounds when she was put into the washing basket.

That was really her crowing glory and quite a display of the evergreen repertoire of her soundbox and ofcourse the teeth !

Folks, bathing Little Anya is quite an experience, so the next series of photos is captioned as 'Little Anya experience' ( Exactly in line with the concept of 'the Jimi Hendrix Experience' !). Bathing Little Anya is so much fun that these days her parents bathe Little Anya more for their entertainment than due to the hygeinic aftereffects of the event in question !

Little Anya likes to have small fish inside the 'pond' that she bathes in and quite soon turns into a fish eating monster. Experts say that it is this dire need for the 'Omega 3' that explains this side of her monstrocity.

Well, usually after all the fish eating frenzy, it is quite a task to 'extract' Little Anya from the 'pond'. Her withdrawal symptoms start and it takes a lot of attention, some time and milk to make her forget about the bathing and the fish !

One with the walking and the nailcutting incident...

Gday ! we thought we will bring you upto speed with what Little Anya is upto these days. she has been crawling at an unbelievable speed already, and has been known to 'take a walk' in the living room with some support. However now things are different she has started to take several steps on her own. She makes it very interesting and ofcourse a bit difficult for her parents to manage her on the changing board in particular. Especially, after having learnt the art of standing up properly, she does not like to be in a horizontol position.

Well, 'risk assessment' wise, it is not any worse now than it was before. She is in any case able to cover the entire floor pretty well. Yes, there are a few drawers that are opened more often, due her increasing strength ( and even the RMS wattage ! ). It appears to be a delicate balance between 'Anya proofing' things and letting her have them. So far, amidst all the confusion, her parents have done fairly well ( says who !?).

Her being able to walk , has definitely unleashed her curiosity, but in a way it has made her slightly more independent and her parents more scared ! ( they have to be on the lookout for sounds from her). A decent well known sound that indicates a harmless 'business' is quite acceptable. However, it is always a challenge to perceive the subtle and quick transition into the silent and not so harmless business. The other day, Little Anya was quite keen on choking on a child safety item ( what an irony !).

Nailcutting has always been a silent operation carried out stealthily by her Mom while Little Anya is asleep. These days, there is an increased level of co-operation and hardly a surreptitious air to the whole thing. Infact it could be quite an interesting event for the bystanders.

It could even turn out to be an opportunity for decent pictures. Little Anya smiles and makes sounds while her Mom shortens her nails.

Little Anya still sleeps the best on her Mom, and we have had umpteen number of photos of her in this position. One of the latest is for you to enjoy .

Finally we leave you with a video that captures the fun filled moments by the dinner table when she is playing with her daddy and a suicide bomber from WWII makes her giggle & laugh out aloud !

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