Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Anyasaurus Rex

Experts are still not able to decide if this animal is more like the T -rex or forms a part of the velociraptor genre since it can kill in different ways! cany case, is quite dangerous, fully equipped with the psychological warfare chip and armed to the teeth.

...any time is play-time for her and there could be days when she hates to fall asleep, while a nice shower would have a soothing and quietening effect on some, Little Anya interprets a shower as a preparation for getting dirty all over again and that too rather quick !

Usually, it is quite a challenge to hold her attention after shower and comb her hair properly..Being an animal, naturally the wild look appears to be preferable !

However, having said all this , we would also like to share the other extreme too, where once in a while, Little Anya could dress up for her parents..