Thursday, August 2, 2007

the haircut incident..

For many weeks, a serious conspiracy against Little Anya's growing hair, was being meticulously planned and thought all over in the head. Finally the plot was hatched a few days ago and executed when Mommy decided to subject Little Anya's growing hair to some serious scissor treatment. The results were quite satisfactory despite the doubting 'Thomas' around. Now Little Anya sports a very fresh look and everyone has had to admit that despite all her lovely hairlocks, this look has its own beauty too !

Mommy and Daddy have recently discovered that a cozy blanket, the Baby Gym and Little Anya could be quite an interesting combination especially when Little Anya is fresh and has a lot of energy while her parents are longing for some respite.

Little Anya has taken to the whole blanket and gym concept very well, she gets extremely elated when she finds herself thoroughly entagled in the blanket. Certain quarters have expressed shock and disbelief on her parents using such 'dangerous' tactics to keep Little Anya occupied. However, all such concerns have been promptly put to rest with the argument that everything happens under the aegis of 'parental guidance' and whatever could not be put to rest has been dispelled and brushed aside ! Afterall, her parents would not like to miss this excellent opportunity for yet another photo-shoot !

Yes that was a special evening when Daddy came to realise the special powers that he had been bestowed with. He managed to put Little Anya to sleep by playing the guitar to her. He could not believe his eyes when he saw the Little Anya struggling to keep her eyes open and eventually giving in to the comfort of sleep.

This ofcourse raises certain other important and pertinent questions about Daddy's guitar playing skills."Does he USUALLY manage to put his audience to sleep when he plays?" for example could be a question that an objective witness might like to pose. However, basking in the glory of his achievement, Daddy has , atleast for the time being, decided to ignore such philosophical musings.

..and finally we leave our viewers with two snaps that were taken on one of the occassions when Little Anya was more interested in the thing itself rather than what it contained !

1 comment:

Fictional Reality said...

This snap is amazing... just truly the poster kinds.