Hello folks ! this time Little Anya's Mammaa and Pappaa have decided to take you down the memory lane. This story belongs to those glorious summer days when Pappaa was home with Little Anya. The evening promenades with her were usually tiring for him then, but he remembers them as fond memories now.
It could all begin suddenly when Little Anya would get bored and would make it known in no uncertain terms that she would like to be escorted out on a promenade. The indications used to be in the form of incessant finger pointing towards the shoes and the outerwear.
While Pappaa used to anticipate her next moves and try to talk her out of bathing into that puddle, Little Anya always used to have very convincing arguments for having it her way !
The stickler for cleanliness Little Anya is, nothing less than a thorough wash of her hands in the puddle would satisfy her. Pappaa used to thank God for small mercies when she used to get up and focus on the next task.
The next stop was hardly a stone's throw away but it could take quite some before Little Anya would conclude her sample gathering enroute.

The sandpit had quite a touristic attraction to it. Little Anya always revelled in being one with the sand. Digging and 'baking cookies' with the sand forms.
Pappaa could reply to all calls during that time and even call up work to check on status of affairs. Usually, he and his phone used to go unnoticed for about half an hour, but no more !

There used to be occassions when Mamma used to not only dress her up for the occassion but also accompany Little Anya on the evening excursions along with her Pappaa, this always made Little Anya very happy.

The common destinations were the playgrounds, swings and slides in the vicinity. It were the bigger and higher swings that caught her fancy. Considering how ineffective use of any language in such situations was, one had to give very convinving arguments to make her consider the swings fit for her age !

Any kind of sand or gravel was welcome . It made the whole concept of getting dirty by the end of the day so fun and easy.

It was quite a delight for her parents to watch her play with sand and sing. The sand often silently found its way into Little Anya's mouth. The quantity of sand devoured by Little Anya over all these months is not a publicly known figure and is definitely anybody's guess.

On one such occassion, Little Anya demonstrates to her Mammaa the sport of horseback riding that she has begun to cherish..This horse generally makes himself available for Little Anya without much pursuasion.

One does not need any imagination at all to appreciate how interesting the whole experience becomes when one could actually even converse with the horse after all the riding .

Little Anya had newly acquired her yellow water bottle which quickly became a part of her entourage. On certain occassions Little Anya and her bottle used to be quite inseparable. This meant that sometimes Little Anya could have a drinking session right in the middle of a street. The 'villagers' passing by ofcourse used to be amused and Little Anya got plenty of smiles and swoons.
A satisfied and happy Little Anya was extra patient with her Pappa and could give him some nice poses that form some of the fondest of his memories..

It is winters now , the days are short and the evening walks are conspicuous by their absence in the minus degrees and ice. With Little Anya getting more active and naughty by every passing day, Pappaa often longs for summers when he could have much more fun outdoors with Little Anya.
1 comment:
This one was beautiful!!
Very tender moments... wish you guys many more
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