Little Anya has become quite a handful these days, the title of this blog could not be more appropriate during certain times when Little Anya is at her mischievous best. Her parents have tried hard to keep her occupied with conventional toys and it helps some times, but not always. She, for example , has so many vehicles, heavy and not so heavy that she could have a hard time deciding whether she should step into the construction industry or get into renting out of cars.

Little Anya likes to find her own things to do, her own sports and her own set of activities, which include her conventional toys at times and very often not ! She could easily lay her hands upon her Mom's woollen glows and masquarade as the angel of death for the benefit of the visitors.

One of her weapons of choice is the big thick cleaning paper napkin roll. She could wield that to quite a deadly effect. The victim usually is her father , he gets hit pretty bad while trying to clean her up on the dressing table.

One of her favourite adventure sport has always been walking into others' shoes. Especially the ones that are half her weight and are quite unwieldy in size. However, to her credit, she has succeeded very well in most of these endeavours over past couple of months.

Recently, she has got well used to wearing her gum boots and now she likes them so much that she uses them indoors all the time. Her parents have to keep them extra clean..

One of her favourite festive games is ofcourse disrupting all possible packing activity. Usually she has a ball of a time when her parents are trying to pack the bags for a vacation or worse even business trips. She usually also likes to plunge into the scene while her Mom is busy changing the bedsheets. The activity is so sudden and Little Anya turns so much into a small tiger cub that no known footage exists in the media world of such an event.

Sometimes conventional playthings could be used but in rather unconventional ways. She has a wooden riding horse and she likes to mount it now and then

Once she mounts it, usually that results in her riding it ...

...but she is extremely good at letting her parents know about the other unconventional and dangerous possbilities !..during all such events the pure bliss on her face does not have to be seen to be believed.

Another object of her affection is her chair, these days she makes use of it for mostly all other purposes of merriment than for sitting quietly.

The chair could ofcourse cease to be that interesting provided Little Anya has other sources of entertainment. Usually, the Lego kit is a good friend. It could be anything for that matter, a skull cap, a puzzle or anything

While she is outdoors with her parents, Little Anya's curiosity usually gets the better of her. She likes to roam around unfettered , smile and laugh at things, touch them, taste them and what not..

Her Mom ( or Mammmaa , as Little Anya usually addresses her ) is usually very good at being two steps behind her.

Usually, everything is quite under control when Little Anya is on her feet but at times she transcends all the previously known levels of naughtiness and then she has to be hoisted a bit..Usually her father ( or Papppaaa ) does it but when he is upto his usual paparazzi bit, the 13 kg bag of responsibility falls on Mammmaa's shoulders.

Let us make our readers acquainted with the putting-Little -Anya-to-sleep routine. This begins with Little Anya watching some cartoons and/or ABBA on dvds. Usually she sits unnervingly still with total silence , fixed gaze and a flicker of a smile on her face, sometimes exclaims with a squeel of excitement. At times when the excitement becomes unbearable, she stands on one of her toys , biting on to her fleece blanket and waving her hands.

This is then followed by a short story and a total black out , her Pappa tells us everyday how the whole world is asleep and that she absolutely needs to sleep , for her sake and for the greater good of the universe. Finally the baton is passed over to her Mamma , who feeds her with välling and our Little Anya usually sleeps easy.

Finally, we are leaving our readers with one of the recent video clippings. Very recently, a revolutionary discovery helped Little Anya's parents in making it very easy for them to wash her hands by getting her closer to the level of the sink - 'the kitchen chair' ! Little did they realise that all good things in life come with a price tag. This one came quite expensive too. Once Little Anya has her face and hands washed, she likes to play with water for almost half an hour , is very happy, laughs and smiles and with great difficulty does she eventually give that up. the video is quite illustrative.
This is by far the most interesting piece. The pics are amazing!!!
The light & sound show was excellent.
Hope you guys had a great Diwali!!
great job amit & Lax...i visited the blog after a few weeks & boy..what amazing masaala to savour...mazaaa aa gaya bhai..as always, i felt in love with her innocent looks, her clothes, toys...in short the cute cute world that you've created for her...or is it the other way??? ;-)
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