The TV cabinet is almost like her favourite picnic place। One day her father had to lift her up from there and put her down on the floor close to 50 times ! That probably just increased the appeal for TV cabinet further!
Scientists have granted her a dual status (Little Anya is a particle as well as a wave ). She manages so much mishief in so little time that the theoretical phycisists are almost convinced that she is present everywhere at the same time. Her Dad is seen reading books on quantum wave equations thinking that they could provide a solution for all the mischief locations but that is advanced maths for him, we would not like to be quoted on this but as a matter of fact, he has been observed staring at the heavens for quite some time while performing the simplest of percentage calculations..
It so happens that her hapless parents are usually seen busy cleaning up the trail left behind by this little twister ( little, yes ... but 5 on the EF scale ! ) that they fully believe in the new age concept of space time. The space time continuum is totally endless when it comes to all those co-ordinates that have witnessed Little Anya's mischief. Infact they are not at all amused when they are told that Little Anya could perform mischief in 11 dimensions. One research associate who divulged this possibility to her parents one fine evening was unceremoniously driven out of their apartment with an interesting conversation and a cup of coffee half finished and a chocolate cookie still in his mouth!When weather permits, taking Little Anya out could be a nice respite for her parents. She likes to jump around these days, say 'Hi' to people around her and attract their attention. The swing is her favourite and so is the slide.
When she climbs up the slide, she is quite at peace with herself, one can ofcourse hear her making very interesting sounds in all possible hailing frequencies. However, one day, her dad realised how Little Anya's object of affection was infact an object of affliction for him when he saw that instead of going down the slide, Little Anya was busy in the nearby sand place. Now, playing with sand is something all the parents usually allow, but our lady likes to toss the sand in the air and ensure that it finds her head before it reaches the ground !
While we are on the subject, everytime Little Anya is on the swing, she needs some rhymes to be sung to her. Her daddy had to learn not only 'Twinkle twinkle little star' but also one in French that she adores. It does not stop at that, these days he is busy learning 'Imse Vimse spindel' her favourite from the day-care. If one looks at the connection between the swing and the rhymes, it is a perfect example of how one thing leads to another!
One fine day, she clinged so hard to a ball at the toy shop that her dad decided ( quite a diplomatic word for not having any other option at all ) to buy it for her. She likes roaming around with it and can entertain her Mom and Dad quite well when she ventures out with it.
Well, after so much waiting, a bonus story is definitely at hand. One of the evenings, her mother had tried her hand at clipping Anya's hairlocks and had bathed her and combed her neatly. That ofcourse necessitated a photoshoot. Now, Little Anya after having been tortured by her parents during the bath, was a bit unhappy with them and was not likely to entertain any camera around her. She had to be given a bait for her dad to be able to take some pictures. The results are as follows,
Finally, we are leaving you with a video after quite a long interval, Little Anya generally does not allow any video coverage these days, but this day, her Mom just got lucky !
video clipping -
1 comment:
Beautiful pics! matched only by the writeup!!
Great job Amit, Lax!!
Anya has the same grin that Amit has... its always a treat to see that!!
Wish you happier days ahead,
Shibu Pihu Nandita
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