Traditionally it has been a problem for Little Anya's Mommy and Daddy when it comes to having full attention from her while feeding. The mean time between her two distractions is really a microsecond! They have been keeping her occupied on the dinner table with toys and many other things that could interest her. It started getting worrisome when the magic of these things faded away.
This new solution had been discussed before and had been tried with varying success but one fine morning, her Daddy decided to undertake a daring mission to use every possible aspect of diversion and succeed feeding Anya at a very great risk ( and that did not mean feeding her inside the Lion's den ofcourse but it could mean that she could have fruit and yogurt on her hair !)
The usual porridge was prepared with fruit/yogurt mix by the side and this time Little Anya was given the fruit/yogurt. With the spoon in her hand , it meant relinquishing more or less full control to her! 

Daddy had to act swiftly, while the enemy, sorry I mean Little Anya, was busy playing with the fruit/yogurt, He had the unenviable task of shovelling in as much of porridge into her as ever possible . He was lucky and managed to empty almost three quarters of a bowl into her along with a lot of fruit and yogurt too. The operation was over in ten minutes flat. The casualties were the Financial Times newspaper and ofcourse the floor which bore the brunt of the fruit yogurt mix. Financial Times was rendered entirely out of use and the floor had to be cleaned with minimal effort.
Now folks, this might sound like the Blitzkrieg but believe it or not, Daddy did not read any WWII history book to come up with this. The genesis of this risky but effective plan was her Mom's mind! Daddy was only following the orders ! As he usually does ( now this one could be a contentious statement, but it is all about living dangerously these days!)
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