Little Anya is over three months now, over 6 kgs and 61 cms , things are developing, smiles are more frequent, the cries at times have even more power and so on, in other words, she manages pretty well in keeping us busy by changing her schedule just a little more often than the half of life of a positron..
Well, yesterday, the new thing was that she decided to turn over on her own, with a little help to free her hands that kind of got caught beneath her 'undercarriage'..though it was a small step for the humanity but it was a giant step forward in her development ! (which means extra care in changing tables and just about everywhere)
Is definitely more stable in her head than her father for example, some definitely learn early and the rest make it a life time project..
Has become particularly tricky to feed her at times since she is interested in looking at something totally behind her or at wierd distracting her and getting her to concentrate her on food is one of the latest challenges that her parents are facing..
Her gaze definitely is focussed more than ever and is able to track an object, especially a moving one at all odd angles so as to make it excruciatingly difficult for her parents to maintain the alignment of the feeding bottle !
Whatever we might say, Anya always delights us with her toothless smiles or even grins, expressed even with her eyes and that is when she becomes quite a delectable piece for us. Atleast so far, she does not mind our constant attempts at devouring her..we will have to see in the future if we will have to look for some other piece of meat.
Another hallmark of her daily routine is some vigorous hand and leg movements. This is often done with so much energy that we can hear the movements as thumping ! Some say, she likes to exercise her limbs and some say that she will be in the funds recovery business ..As it appears not much of intellectual exercise appears to be possible for her right now, why not exercise the limbs then !? Oh yes...these exercises are almost always followed by an intense look on her face as if she wants to attack an army just with her looks !
This belongs to the times when she had just started to please with her endless smiles. This one is special for us since we did not have to trick her into smiling, she actually gave a giant grin to Lakshmi and we managed to capture the smile that ended the grin ! Well sometimes we are surprised as to what can bring that million dollar worth grin, it could be a simple piece of furniture lying harmlessly in the house or sometimes the conscious efforts of her hapless parents. Nonetheless we are glad !
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