Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The one with the Mommy...

Yes friends, Little Anya has a very special bond with her Mom, which makes her Daddy almost a bit jealous at times. However Little Anya has had a habit of showering her Daddy with some very nice smiles whenever she sees him. That keeps the jealousy part at bay !

Her Mom, over the period of time, has developed some expertise and experience in handling Little Anya and putting her to sleep is a bastion that is totally unchallenged by the Daddy. Yes, Little Anya did used to fall asleep on Daddy, but that is a thing of the past now. These days it is the Mommy that is required for sleep.

Mommy's shoulder is still the best to be on ! These days Daddy is catching up in being able to carry her around and keeping her amused all the time. Daddy has developed the mirror trick, which almost guarantees a lot of smiles and a good mood. That trick usually backfires only when Little Anya is very tired, thankgod, these days her Daddy knows when NOT to resort to the mirror trick !

Little Anya sure has some difficulties being carried by people she has never seen before. Unfortunately, some of our dear friends have been subjected to a very loud complaining howl. However, she is getting more and more comfortable with people around her. Infact, she likes to look at faces and bless them with her beatific smile.

In particular, if she is with her Mommy, she could spend a lot of time looking at visitors at different angles and keeping them amused.

This one is one of the classics from the old days when our Little Anya was 'littler' than she is today and would always like to 'exchange warmth' with her Mommy while sleeping. It is definitely one of the nature's riddles as to how both the mother and the daughter could sleep blissfully in this position..good for the likes of us who do the paparazzi bit all the time !

This is another rare one from the past where the viewers get quite a look inside her teethless interiors..the king size yawns are quite common, it is a bit rare that we can lay our hands on a camera at that very time..oh well, it is yawn time, time for Mommy to do her bit !

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