Hello folks! we are meeting after a rather long hiatus. Little Anya has been upto a lot of mischief all this while thus making it rather hard for her parents to indulge in frivolities such as a proper rest or some quality time with books etc. Anyway, we take you back to the winters of 2009 when the terrain was white and Little Anya was bright, ( well rhyming is not exactly our forte , but what the heck ! )
It was the times when the sun lit the ice crystals turning the terrain into an art gallery. It used to be a lot of fun walking around with Little Anya. Although, one must admit that temperatures below -10 deg C were not exactly considered very cozy by Little Anya.

She would however not mind sitting in her 'armoured vehicle' or on a vehicle of a different sort ( as we will discover later in this post).

A typical winter holiday would always begin with Little Anya playing indoors and letting her parents perish all the thoughts of having a longish sleep in.

Mamma would discuss some new ideas about cooking and would get some sound advice on what should be chosen, being over 90% pure sound ofcourse, although now things are different ofcourse. It is 100% sound and 200% advice.

Winter walks with Little Anya were a lot of fun, one of the favourite spots was the 'third bridge' where she would walk around and sometimes just simply roll over in snow. The prospect of someone having walked the dog in that region used to take her Pappa's breath away, but then he soon learnt to stop breathing anyway as you would see later.

She had just learnt the concept of having fun with snow . With some effort she could even agree to putting her glows on. Then it was ofcourse easy to pick up ice and try to eat it even !

Little Anya is quite fond of swings. Irrespective of the temperature and the terrain, she has liked to swing away to glory

It used to be quite a spectacle to behold, to see Little Anya all padded up in her winter overalls, trying to fit into the swing

The white terrain in Ludvika or the icy plains of Västerås, Little Anya would like it very much to be out and hunt the snow tractors.

The sport became her favourite once she discovered a steady steed. Pappa got some exercise for free. To carry Little Anya on one's back could do wonders to your appetite. So much so that one might end up adding more calories than one could get rid of :(

There ofcourse were some occasions when Little Anya would be on her own in ( rather than on ) snow.

Chasing the ducks close to the third bridge was a close second to the game of 'hunting tractors' .

Feeding the birds in the snow was fun until they all flocked around her creating a lot of ruckus.

It is difficult to explain Little Anya's joy when she would get a chance to 'enfilade' a snow tractor and to be able to do so, she would ofcourse make her steed move through all the impossible terrain.

Overall, it worked well, so well that Little Anya learnt to rest in that position and even was caught napping a couple of times after a tiring hunting day.

She was happy to find her daycare favourite Lovisa and building a snowman was their favourite team sport.

Although as it appears, it is more building than destroying . In reality however, one could never be sure.

Usually goodbyes were always difficult but sometimes it could work rather well with none of them getting angry !

It used to be quite a relief for her to get in to her homewear so as to prepare for the usual mischief indoors.

After a good lunch, it would be time to watch some interesting stuff on the TV before
getting totally distracted by the snow tractors removing snow from the streets.

Such an occassion is ofcourse never to be missed, while the tractor did its rounds, Little Anya was glued to the window describing in her own language what the tractor was upto.

That much of a happening in morning would soon call for a much deserved rest. The only thing was that the comfort of her bed and the warmth of her quilt would be so enticing that it would be then quite an exercise to get her up and running again.
Finally, we leave you with some vintage Anya pictures with her mamma at a birthday party.
This post is really beautiful!!
Well written, Amit :-)
I am surprised at Anya's ability to enjoy herself in such inclement weather!!
Loved the one where she is having a good time on the swing.
Babies like Pihu need to learn a lot from her!!
Simbly wonderful. Was re-reading this post and loved it as much as the first time.
Good work daddy!!
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