Recently, Little Anya's parents have been trying different combinations of antenna on her head. One must realise that this is not out of any specific needs for improvement in communication possibilities. Little Anya communicates on all channels and on different wavelengths, and does not need any line of sight to be able to make herself heard ( and even understood for that matter ! ).

As it is generally known by now, Little Anya is rather free spirited and thus requires a lot of freedom for her hair. Highly charged 'particle' that she is, her hair usually stands perpendicular to her head and if one did not know her , one might think that she has recently walked through a corona discharge. In order to rectify this, her parents like to use hair bands and clips to turn her into a creature with antennae...

The results of this effort are shortlived, Little Anya likes to remove all the hairbands and clips and restore the pristine splendour of her hair...Her parents keep trying , but the genteel look lasts for half an hour or so and not more.

Once she realises that there is an audience and she is the cynosure of attraction, she likes to give quite a captivating performance. Such an act is accompanied by a lot of sounds and clapping and climbing on whatever is available around her to climb, could be a chair or her Pappaa's back.

One of her daycare teachers has told her Pappaa that they preferred her wild look at the daycare and infact liked the fact that she did not come to the daycare well groomed and neat. This could be because they liked to have something to play with at daycare that resembled the head of a furry creature. This is just our surmise !
For avoidance of any doubts, the parents , in this case, have publicly disowned any liability for not being able to get those antennae to last a little longer than a few minutes.

Keeping still is often a challenge for Little Anya especially when she is so excited and knows that there is a gallery to play to. Her Mammaa is quite high on Little Anya's priority list and sometimes she might manage to keep her still and get all her attention. However on most of the occassion, she manages to get quite kinetic.