a family page, on our Little Anya, the perfect baby who is busy perfecting her parents these days !;)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The art of diversion and subterfuge!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Little Anya at Busborgen
Little Anya challenged herself to a couple of things such as plunging herself into the 'ocean of balls' . Once having gone in there, ofcourse there was no looking back. There was a lot of give and take and throwing of balls. The whole occassion was made special by Little Anya showering her smiles and making sounds at other kids/babies and their parents.
Little Anya at the Öppnaförskolan
It is quite a social experience for Little Anya and her Daddy there. She gets to endear one and all with her smiles, her 'Elvis style' haircut on top of all her ever going comments on life in her own language, which appears to be a mixture of Hindi, English & Swedish!
Ofcourse for her Daddy, it is interesting too since he can see so many other parents who are on the verge of pulling their hair when it comes to channelising the energies of their young ones. Öppnaförskolan seems to be a haven for all such sleep deprived, hungry, unkempt and hapless parents!
Waking up Little Anya
It was a rare occassion for her to allow her daddy to take so many pictures of her. She went through the ritual of playing with the soft toys in her bed, first chewing on them, then chucking them and then playing with them ( not exactly in this order though !).
That day , it was as if , she was giving poses for her Daddy to capture ! it was a photosession of half an hour where she did not need any coaxing or suggestions. Her performance was quite suo moto for that matter.
She has a pair of comfort fleeces ( which infact are many pairs safely stored!) that she likes to play with and they usually double up as agony aunts for her when Little Anya feels a bit down. Ofcourse the same comfort fleeces suddenly transform into wonderful playmates that Little Anya likes to hug and squeeze and laugh with !
That was a morning that bore witness to incessant clicking of the camera shutters.Many nice photos were taken and a few are presented here .
That day resides in the memory of her daddy as a dream unthreatened by the morning light ( as Pink Floyd would say )with Little Anya in her full splendour!