Good day folks ! well we dont plan to take up a pedagogic discussion on the French revolution here. It is just so that these are the things that Little Anya likes to have in plenty! Ever since she has bid farewell to the babyseater , she has started crawling, sitting on her own and one of the latest is the baby chair, that brings Little Anya at the same level as all the 'grown ups' by the table. She likes to command a position of equality and we can tell you that she takes quite many liberties from that position !
Little Anya on the baby chair, changes the hitherto tranquille dinning table into a zone with a high seismic activity. This requires a massive evacuation plan, clearing up everything within a certain radius of the 'epicentre'. This requires a high level of preparedness and a lot of anticipation by the 'local authorities'.
As soon as the authorities think that they have taken into account more or less all that could go wrong, in come new surprises.
There are ofcourse many positive sides of the baby chair, Little Anya has taken giant strides in the area of feeding. She is very much into solid food and she feeds much better on the chair as compared to elsewhere and while feeding could easily create an entertainment show of her own for the audience. At times her feeding is so entertaining that her parents plan to advertise the show times on the internet and even charge a small entry fee for them ! 
However, the discussion on feeding is totally incomplete without the mention of water. Little Anya has quite a healthy intake of water and often it is the attraction of the spoon that allows some water inside her along!
Her gnawing into the spoons has disfigured a few plastic ones. It is only the metal ones that have withstood the vagaries of time.
Well folks! we have not yet introduced you to the bubble making mode that comes as one of the 'library function' in our Little Anya. This usually happens when her Mom has finished putting a spoonfull of stuff in Little Anya. The outcome could be quite an avant garde spray painting on the table cloth. Usually her parents are so spell bound by the sound and the interesting show put by Little Anya that they forget to safeguard any objects in the sensitive area, resulting ofcourse in more cleaning work !
There is another library function of hers that is the 'head shaking mode'. This happens when Little Anya is very happy with her surroundings and is playing blissfully with her parents and has the full attention from all. This one is difficult to describe, you have to see it to believe it !
Believe it or not, finally, we are leaving you with an 'award winning' video clipping that has won wide acclaim . This one captures Little Anya in her full glory including both the bubble making and head shaking modes..
1 comment:
Truly enchanting is what I have to say!! Its so nice to see her videos. Almost like one can see her grow up all along. Great work on the blog guys. Keep it up and keep us posted! :)
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