As some of our friends say, Anya is growing a bit too fast to be still called "Little Anya". She is very much into solid food these days. She is quite an angel, well ensconced in her baby seater she opens her mouth and in goes a babyspoon full of mashed potato. She co-operates well with her Mom.

This one is a bit special, although not many people agree with her Dad on this one. He thinks that Little Anya in this picture above, is infact auditioning for playing the Devil's incarnate in the latest sequel of "The Omen". He thinks that she could easily upstage Damien in this photo with her will-either-push-you-down-the-stairs-or-make-you-fall-from-the-window-stare. Well the food smeared on her mouth gives her an even more sinister look..Her Mommy ofcourse does not fully agree with her Daddy. Would be quite nice to know what you think about it though !

It was a special day and we were getting a lot of sunlight from the slowly descending sun in the late evening. Little Anya was in a contemplative mood and was co-operating completely in the feeding process.

Her whole hearted giggles have started to be noisy and especially when she has some food in her mouth. This makes it a bit more difficult for her parents to focus on other important activities in life such as going to work etc..

Her parents often look up her photos and videos during the times when she was much younger. They are very surprised with the obvious. On one hand she is the same on the other hand, she seems to have grown up so much and changed a lot in past 5 and a quarter months. Apart from the frequent attempts to sit upright and to get up, her face and her ways are changing too.
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