Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas folks !

Good day folks ! This is the first Christmas and New year for Little Anya, the plan is to travel North to Ludvika and be with our gang. Little Anya is already looking forward to all the attention and playing with a few toddlers, and a few little bigger kids..

It is quite funny to see Little Anya interact with other kids/babies..She often gets jealous of them when they get too close to her Mom and Dad !! Now this is something very new isnt it !??

Well, we will report to you in detail about the Xmas vacations and we wish you all a merry Christmas and a very happy new year ! See you ...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

One with the photoshoot...

Hello folks ! it has been a while since we met..As usual, we have some fresh stories on Little Anya. Well, let us begin with the crazy idea her parents got one day. It began as a general 'container theme' .

However, it suddenly changed into a 'cooking Anya' theme. One does wonder where they got this idea from, though they have often been heard in public talking about Little Anya being a 'tasty dish'.

The 'civilised' world was quite apalled to hear about putting those ideas into action. Ofcourse timely intervention by 'the police and the department of justice' meant that they could not quite go through the plans however the photos they managed were pretty interesting. It is reported that most of the photos belong to the classified file, we present a few that have been declassified !
As one can see, Little Anya was a little surprised to see herself being put into pans and utensils, but actually had quite a fun time herself..

While she was 'being served' on the dinning table in a pan, she did try to reach for the moon..

Just to find out that it was a low energy lamp instead!

It appears that the 'cooking Anya' theme soon gave way to the 'washing Anya' theme. Little Anya almost instantly started smiling and making funny sounds when she was put into the washing basket.

That was really her crowing glory and quite a display of the evergreen repertoire of her soundbox and ofcourse the teeth !

Folks, bathing Little Anya is quite an experience, so the next series of photos is captioned as 'Little Anya experience' ( Exactly in line with the concept of 'the Jimi Hendrix Experience' !). Bathing Little Anya is so much fun that these days her parents bathe Little Anya more for their entertainment than due to the hygeinic aftereffects of the event in question !

Little Anya likes to have small fish inside the 'pond' that she bathes in and quite soon turns into a fish eating monster. Experts say that it is this dire need for the 'Omega 3' that explains this side of her monstrocity.

Well, usually after all the fish eating frenzy, it is quite a task to 'extract' Little Anya from the 'pond'. Her withdrawal symptoms start and it takes a lot of attention, some time and milk to make her forget about the bathing and the fish !

One with the walking and the nailcutting incident...

Gday ! we thought we will bring you upto speed with what Little Anya is upto these days. she has been crawling at an unbelievable speed already, and has been known to 'take a walk' in the living room with some support. However now things are different she has started to take several steps on her own. She makes it very interesting and ofcourse a bit difficult for her parents to manage her on the changing board in particular. Especially, after having learnt the art of standing up properly, she does not like to be in a horizontol position.

Well, 'risk assessment' wise, it is not any worse now than it was before. She is in any case able to cover the entire floor pretty well. Yes, there are a few drawers that are opened more often, due her increasing strength ( and even the RMS wattage ! ). It appears to be a delicate balance between 'Anya proofing' things and letting her have them. So far, amidst all the confusion, her parents have done fairly well ( says who !?).

Her being able to walk , has definitely unleashed her curiosity, but in a way it has made her slightly more independent and her parents more scared ! ( they have to be on the lookout for sounds from her). A decent well known sound that indicates a harmless 'business' is quite acceptable. However, it is always a challenge to perceive the subtle and quick transition into the silent and not so harmless business. The other day, Little Anya was quite keen on choking on a child safety item ( what an irony !).

Nailcutting has always been a silent operation carried out stealthily by her Mom while Little Anya is asleep. These days, there is an increased level of co-operation and hardly a surreptitious air to the whole thing. Infact it could be quite an interesting event for the bystanders.

It could even turn out to be an opportunity for decent pictures. Little Anya smiles and makes sounds while her Mom shortens her nails.

Little Anya still sleeps the best on her Mom, and we have had umpteen number of photos of her in this position. One of the latest is for you to enjoy .

Finally we leave you with a video that captures the fun filled moments by the dinner table when she is playing with her daddy and a suicide bomber from WWII makes her giggle & laugh out aloud !

video clip -

Friday, November 2, 2007

to boldly go where no man has gone before...

Yes folks ! these days Little Anya is more like the Starship Enterprise, with a single point mission ' to seek up new life, new civilisations and to boldly go where no man has gone before...' With her increasing prowess in crawling and an improving sense of balance she often manages to throw her parents off balance.

Take the TV cabinet for instance, needed all sorts of fortification around to protect the contents from little Anya's explorations (rather exacavations). Fortunately, the 'authorities' moved quickly and managed a TV cabinet so that the DVD player and all the connecting wires can breathe freely. It is actually quite an irony though that the lock to this cabinet has some defects and does not operate, so until it is replaced, the contents of that cabinet count on their nine lives, out of which they have already exhausted eight and a half !

It is almost like an excavation of an Egyptian tomb , the drawers are a silent witness to the act of emptying of their 'relics' on to the floor.

However, with all these new found degrees of freedom, Little Anya is quite gentle with her surroundings. So far hardly any book tearing incidents have been reported. The newspapers are another story though. These days they are found around the dumping area in the balcony to escape being mauled badly.

There however are other objects such as the diaper bags, that serve as a rugged playmate for Little Anya. Those bags dont mind being sat upon, have a good cushion, being 'driven' and are not that easy to maul for Little Anya.

These days Little Anya can voice her opinions through grunts and a variety of sounds. Especially when her Daddy returns from work, he is not allowed anywhere without Little Anya being happily ensconced in his arms. The approach is so fast that Daddy has some difficulty in managing to take off the shoes and put the winter jacket on a hanger. He has learnt his lessons and he attends to less important things such as answering the calls of nature etc already at work before starting for home !

We also have a special feature this time, with some snaps from one of the 'drawer episodes'. Emptying the contents of the drawers was something that the parents had learnt to come to terms with , but Little Anya did manage to take her parents by complete surprise when she managed to enter into one of the drawers and become one of the contents herself !!

She appeared quite proud of her achievement and decided to stay there for quite some time. Needless to say, the parents decided to reach for the camera instead of trying to take her out of there ! ( The thing of beauty is after all joy forever ! )

Finally folks we are leaving you with some previously unreleased footage of the Maneaters from Kumaon episode. Our correspondent from the frontline has sent us some more photos that describe the aftermath of the first video clipping in that episode.

The usual mauling that the village folk have been witnessing for sometime..

The Maneater trying to drag the 'big kill' to its den..

Monday, October 15, 2007

and liberty, equality, fraternity to all !...

Good day folks ! well we dont plan to take up a pedagogic discussion on the French revolution here. It is just so that these are the things that Little Anya likes to have in plenty! Ever since she has bid farewell to the babyseater , she has started crawling, sitting on her own and one of the latest is the baby chair, that brings Little Anya at the same level as all the 'grown ups' by the table. She likes to command a position of equality and we can tell you that she takes quite many liberties from that position !

Little Anya on the baby chair, changes the hitherto tranquille dinning table into a zone with a high seismic activity. This requires a massive evacuation plan, clearing up everything within a certain radius of the 'epicentre'. This requires a high level of preparedness and a lot of anticipation by the 'local authorities'.
As soon as the authorities think that they have taken into account more or less all that could go wrong, in come new surprises.

It has become extremely difficult ever since Little Anya has discovered the fun of pulling the tablecloth and thus acquiring access to the entire collection of plates on the table complete with their contents. These advancements in technology have improved Little Anya's reach. Even the far away pepper-mix bottle, the pasta chilly mix appear so close to her. Needless to say, the authorities are looking for some clips that could save an evenings mopping and tidying up for them and reduce the number of 'extinction level events'.

There are ofcourse many positive sides of the baby chair, Little Anya has taken giant strides in the area of feeding. She is very much into solid food and she feeds much better on the chair as compared to elsewhere and while feeding could easily create an entertainment show of her own for the audience. At times her feeding is so entertaining that her parents plan to advertise the show times on the internet and even charge a small entry fee for them !
However, the discussion on feeding is totally incomplete without the mention of water. Little Anya has quite a healthy intake of water and often it is the attraction of the spoon that allows some water inside her along!
Her gnawing into the spoons has disfigured a few plastic ones. It is only the metal ones that have withstood the vagaries of time.

Well folks! we have not yet introduced you to the bubble making mode that comes as one of the 'library function' in our Little Anya. This usually happens when her Mom has finished putting a spoonfull of stuff in Little Anya. The outcome could be quite an avant garde spray painting on the table cloth. Usually her parents are so spell bound by the sound and the interesting show put by Little Anya that they forget to safeguard any objects in the sensitive area, resulting ofcourse in more cleaning work !

There is another library function of hers that is the 'head shaking mode'. This happens when Little Anya is very happy with her surroundings and is playing blissfully with her parents and has the full attention from all. This one is difficult to describe, you have to see it to believe it !
Believe it or not, finally, we are leaving you with an 'award winning' video clipping that has won wide acclaim . This one captures Little Anya in her full glory including both the bubble making and head shaking modes..

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The maneaters of Kumaon

Yes folks, finally Little Anya is unleashed on all fours. The floor has finally become her hunting ground, all the things within half a meter of height from the ground are unsafe now. DVDs still manage to escape unscathed due to their hard skin. TV, Computer, Amplifier cables are found in various levels of having been chewed upon and are totally susceptible due their easy availability.

The cradle cant hold her in anymore , her bed is no longer a cage adequate for her. Usually the heavy books can still breath freely, but the newspapers and magazine are sitting ducks. The 'villagers' have created embankments around the TV cabinet to safeguard the lives of the DVD player and the satellite box. They seem to be safe so far, but the authorities plan to approve capital expenditure for a secure TV cabinet

Our little man-eater however is kind enough to agree to being 'behind the bars' when she rests. Needless to say as a precaution, her bed is guarded with a cage !

Despite being a man-eater by profession, Little Anya has always shown a special liking towards green objects. Green trees and the leaves caressed by gentle wind often evoke a swoon or two from her. Needless to say, her duties as a man-eater do not exempt even the green things within her hunting grounds.

What we are describing here are really 'mandibles of death' in Calvin's parlance. This is a reality that her parents have accepted quite fast, in particular after Little Anya's lower-frontal teeth decided to sprout. Whether it is the remote control, the telephone chord or her Mom's fingers, everything goes into Little Anya's mouth. So much so that at times even the silver spoon bears the brunt of Little Anya's sharp teeth

The two video clippings below will describe what it is like being attacked by Little Anya.
Infact during the making of the first video, the cameraman was severely mauled by Little Anya. It was with great difficulty that the rangers managed to salvage and 'restore' him . However for the sake of good order and wildlife activists, it is worthwhile to mention that no other animals than the cameraman ( 'a social animal !') were harmed in making of these video clippings!
The second shows how Little Anya tracks her prey from a distance and goes about attacking it without any remorse.
They say leopards attack from behind, they are afraid even after having tasted blood, but Little Anya is more like a small tiger cub who does not mind making it simpler for daddy to comb his ever reducing canopy of hair. We leave you with Little Anya having a good time where her daddy is busy playing the mule !

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Farewell to the baby-seater.

This one is really a tribute to her baby-seater which suddenly seems to belong to the prehistoric era in Little Anya's development.

Little Anya appears more like a big kitten sprawled on all fours or at times stretching itself in the baby-seater, the car seat or her bed for that matter. Well, the baby-seater is more or less on its way out, but Little Anya has had her time with the baby-seater . It is a mute witness to Little Anya's drool and 'so on' !
She can be really stealthy in her movements despite the silver anklets that are supposed to serve as advanced warning for her parents. We will talk more about her crawling exploits in the upcoming postings.

Little Anya, comfortably ensconced on her baby- seater, could infact watch a Pink Floyd DVD for quite some time. Daddy is quite happy that she has taken to the psychedelic aspects of the Pink Floyd music so early in life, well she is also subjected to a carefully determined dose of blues and jazz at times and is subjected to some acoustic guitar as well.

Oh yes, she has had some ecstatic moments on the baby-seater when she is in good mood and is being fed..