Yes, this dog or the 'bubbooo' as she calls him is one of her soap bubble mates.
Her soap bubble blowing arsenal has grown since last summer and now she has some battery driven devices .as well..
such is the strength of these devices that they can soon fill up the balcony with bubbles and rain bubbles on the street !
Little Anya often likes to carpet bomb the street with her bubbles, while her parents join her in the fun. They usually watch how far their bubbles go, but Little Anya is busy showering bubbles on some of her friends on the street!
Some of her friends like to come up to the balcony and join the fun, nothing to worry, there is enough soap and there is enough equipment for an entire platoon ! While Little Anya and her friends continue their bubble making adventure, rest of them who are on the street try to catch the bubbles and have is quite a show, a dull late evening is all of a sudden transformed into a high energy event for all....ofcourse Little Anya is again light years away from falling asleep...but what is life without a challenge one may ask !?