It for sure was a special day for Little Anya, it was the first time in life she came face to face with 'princesstårtan' ( the princess cake ) and infact two of them and yet was oblivious of the fact that it was to celebrate her birthday and was something to be eaten. Well, the only thing we can say is that this will be the first & probably the last occassion when she will come so close to a cake and let it escape uneaten !
It was a lot of fun and mingling for her, there were kids of different sizes and shapes , the whole place looked like a miniature kindergarden ! with toys sprawled on the floor and babies and kids crawling around , come to think of it, it was rather like a zoo that day, our living room was !
Her fan club had done a lot of balloon decoration for her and she had a good time looking at it and trying to catch hold of it. The fun was the next day when she woke up and it was quite nice to run through the balloons, it helped get over the birthday hangover.
However, the star attraction of the day was the crown of balloons . Little Anya totally enjoyed all the attention & compliments. Waiving at people and beaming with radiance, it almost felt like a cavalcade of a tiny, clown of a princess !

To sum it all , one can easily conclude that Little Anya had a very good time, and despite all the toys she had got that day, she still preferred to play with her dirty, smelly fleece !

'Oh forget the rest, my stinking fleece is the best!' that was the war cry that evening, Little Anya was actually quite tired after the hectic fanfare that day and usually in such cases, she takes refuge in her fleece and roams around with it. The fleece usually gets entangled in her tiny feet thus bringing her down while she likes to run. Sometimes it is a close call and on other occassions , she needs to be picked up by her Mom
Later on, when Little Anya was cleaned and overhauled properly, her hair (which usually follows the Brownian motion and has a high degree of disorder) was done neatly and Little Anya was looking really posh !
Her parents decided to wish her happy birthday, in line with the Indian tradition, by presenting her with a plate with a swastika, an auspicious sign, and a candle. It however became clear suddenly that Little Anya wanted to eat the burning candle and hence had to be kept at a distance from there.