Anya is close to 2,5 months old now and has slowly started to keep herself busy, atleast for a while, while staring at her surroundings and trying to develop the 'a-priori concepts' of space and time in her mind!

Often, the cradle is the saviour for us. Almost everytime she is in it, she is intrigued no ends by the rotating bears that are attached to the cradle..sometimes we use them to trick her into falling asleep.

However, the good thing is that she is able to return smiles in a true social fashion and that feels very good especially after reaching home from a gruelling day at work. Her sound box has also started and she has begun with some sounds accompanied by a face that desperately wants to communicate something. All her endeavours result her in sounding like pigeons..and these days we have also realised that if we make those sounds to her, she almost always repeats them and together we sound like a rooftop of a tall building filled with pigeons.

Sometimes when she smiles, stuff emanates from her mouth, could be bubbles, could be ruminated milk made almost into curd ! smiling at her, especially when she has finished feeding or when she has woken up results in this phenomenon..

However, one of the biggest changes in our lives is the amount of thought we have to put into the whole concept of movement. When one puts her in the babychair for the car and also puts the entire baby carriage behind in the car along with the supplies of diapers, pacifier, food and what not, it almost feels like moving a full army, complete with mechanised infantry and a supporting armoured division with it..
With some practice and regular 'drills' we manage to somehow meet the times for our meetings or get togethers down town. Hopefully there will be a day when we would also manage to reach with some margin ! they say one should never kill hope...
Anya's bath is also like a ceremony, which has to be executed very fast..within fifteen minutes. We are pretty good at that now and hopefully with the changing weather, we could relax a bit and take it easy. She has started to enjoy the bath (well, most of the times). We tread the water cautiously, literally. It is one of the operations where both her parents have to be engaged fully atleast so far !
Slowly it has dawned upon us that it is very often due to our inefficiencies that Anya cries and on all other occassions, probably even she does not know why she cries ! We are slowly getting better in pacifying her without having to drive her for half an hour on E18 ..well since she is not in the speaking business yet, we have conveniently decided to take all the credit for that !!